Plus Aluminium Chrome Tennis Racket
RARE ``V`` Design (1970-1979)
This racket is a rare example of the use of new materials by Slazenger.
Made in Japan.
Faux Alligator Skin Cover, 4.5 Grip, No. 1754
In the days when wooden tennis racquets held no peer, brands such as Slazenger and Dunlop were a dominant force in the world, but with the popularity of the metal tennis racquets from the early 1980s and then the fast transition to even more popular composite materials such as fiberglass, graphite, Kevlar and so on more and more brands became available to the consumer.
This racket is a rare example of the use of new materials by Slazenger.
Made in Japan.
Faux Alligator Skin Cover, 4.5 Grip, No. 1754
Creating an exhibition of innovative evolution, collectors display racquets that symbolize pivotal moments in the continual evolution of tennis equipment, shaping the game’s trajectory.
For questions about purchasing the entire collection of tennis rackets, you can contact me via Email, WatsApp, Linkedin.
E-mail: slava.babienko [@] gmail.com
WhatsApp: +375296778833
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/slavababienko/